Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Today in Science


Crestor (statins) may actually reverse heart disease. Reuters, SF Chronicle, BBC, LAT

Stroke deaths have decreased since folate was added to enriched grain in the US and Canada. Reuters

'Mad cow' case found in Alabama. BBC

Another shocker: marijuana use tied to memory loss. Reuters, LiveScience.com

Babies are parasites designed to kill their mothers (no, my wife does not read this site). NYT


Nanotechnology used to restore vision in hamster. BBC, Guardian, LiveScience.com

Google goes to court to fight Justice Department request for search data. BBC, Seattle Times

GoogleMars. WP

Reminder: CBS will broadcast early-round NCAA tournament games online. NYT


Extra-solar "Super-Earth" identified. Reuters, BBC

Comets are more complex than previously thought. LAT, Reuters, BBC

Climate Change

Record CO2 levels recorded. BBC

Thin, cheap solar panels may be on the horizon. SF Chronicle

Burying CO2 seen as partial solution to carbon emissions/oil dependence. Reuters

Dying toads may be the Harbinger of a mass extinction. Reuters

Warmest Canadian winter...ever. Yahoo!, Reuters


The Florida Panther faces an odd problem. NYT


UC-Davis scientist predicts that evolution would occur along similar lines on other planets. LiveScience.com


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