Today in Science

Any kind of physical activity helps the elderly live longer. WP, AP, AP, CBC, Reuters
Senate votes to allow importing prescription drugs from Canada. Reuters, AP, AP
Medicare premiums set to rise. AP, AP
Climate Change/Alternative Energy
New study shows that biofuels made from corn and soybeans will not solve our energy crisis. Nature, AP, AP
All the ice in the Alps may melt by the year 2100. NG
Study: Women are both more likely to develop lung cancer and more likely to survive it. Reuters
UK scientists are trying to use microelectronics to restore sight. BBC
Cell phone towers are being disguised as trees, etc to blend in. (Maybe even Irvine will get one now.) WP
Study suggests "morning sickness" may have evolved to protect the fetus against unhealthy food. BBC
Fossils of killer kangaroos and "demon ducks" found in Australia. Reuters, BBC
Stem Cells
President Bush urged to not veto Congressional stem cell bill. Reuters
MySpace-type website for politics to launch this fall. Reuters, WP, AP, AP
House online gambling restriction passed. WP, BBC, AP, AP
Categories: Science news, Science, News
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