Today in Science

Climate Change/Alternative Energy
100s of species of amphibians are endangered by global warming. BBC, Guardian
Oil companies are investing in alternative energy. NYT
DC Zoo’s Panda cub turns 1. WP, AP, AP
Western Africa’s Black Rhino’s may be extinct. Reuters
Analysis of mammoth genes reveals their coat color. BBC, Guardian, Nature, AP, AP
Iraq’s marshes are recovering, but only slowly. NG
Gene expression varies between the sexes. Reuters, Nature
The shuttle is deemed safe for return to Earth. WP, Reuters, BBC, Al Jazeera, NYT, AP
Not so fast on Microsoft iPod. BBC
Higher education in Iraq is suffering due to the war. WP
Stem Cells
Researchers have grown sperm from mouse embryonic stem cells. BBC
The stem cell issue may be pivotal in some political races this fall. WP
Bird Flu
Bird flu in Spain. AP, AP
China has started a website to teach Chinese. Reuters
North Korean missile may have been aimed at waters near Hawaii. Der Spiegel
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