Today in Science

Climate Change/Alternative Energy
The Supreme Court will hear a case requesting that the EPA label CO2 a pollutant. CSM, WP, BBC, ScienceNOW, AP, AP
More glaciers will melt in the near future. WP
Scientists have developed different ideas to reduce global warming. NYT
People are upset over the killing of Bruno the German bear. Der Spiegel, BBC
Here is another recap of his exploits. Der Spiegel
Species of snake with chameleon-like skin discovered. Reuters, BBC, AP, AP
The US and other countries are leading a fight to keep commercial whaling illegal. WP
A change in blood sugar levels in relocated Rhinos may lead to more male than female offspring. ScienceNOW
Washington, DC is promoting broad HIV testing, estimates high number of HIV-positive residents. WP, BBC, WP
Coffee may reduce the risk of diabetes. Reuters
EU to rule against Microsoft in anti-trust case. FT, Reuters, BBC
Stem Cells
Disgraced South Korean stem cell scientist to restart his work in a new lab. Reuters
Bird Flu
Borders probably will not close during bird flu epidemic. AP, AP
Study: Men with many older brothers more likely to be homosexual due to conditions in the womb. WP, BBC, AP, AP, CBC, Reuters, LAT, Guardian
1200+ pound man in Mexico has lost 200 pounds. AP, AP
More on Warren Buffet and the Gates Foundation. WP, Reuters, Der Spiegel, AP, AP
Categories: Science news, Science, News
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