Today in Science

The 21st century may see 1 billion tobacco related deaths. CBC, AP, AP
Religious dieting growing in popularity. LAT
More newborns are being tested for disorders. AP, AP
Eating fish can protect against macular degeneration in the elderly. Reuters, AP, AP
A stroke in a particular part of the brain can eliminate addiction to cigarettes. Nature
More research shows that circumcision can help prevent spread of AIDS. BBC, Reuters
Climate Change/Alternative Energy
Global warming could have profound negative effects on the wine industry., ScienceNOW, LAT, AP, AP
Google to start a large research facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. NYT, AP, AP
103-inch TV! Reuters
Stem Cells
President Bush will probably veto any stem cell bill. (That ought to push him back below 30% approval. Way to take the pulse of the country.) AP, AP
Bird Flu
Bird flu vaccine ready for human trials. Guardian
Sleeps helps us to remember. CBC, Yahoo!
Congress to vote on banning internet gambling. LAT, AP, AP
Categories: Science news, Science, News
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