Friday, May 05, 2006

Today in Science

The Big Bang may be part of a repeated cycle. Guardian, Nature

Anticipation of something negative can be worse than the event itself. NYT, WP,, ScienceNOW, Nature

63 year old British woman is pregnant by IVF. BBC, CNN

Unplanned pregnancies up in the poor, down for the wealthy. WP, NYT

California insurance company denied 25 patients near-perfectly matched kidney transplants. LAT

If a child is overweight at 11, they will probably stay overweight. BBC, Reuters

Survey: Autism is very common in the US. Reuters, WP, LAT

$1 billion dollars in federal contracts to produce new flu vaccines awarded. WP, WP

More mumps. WP, WP

NASA is underfunded. WP, NYT

Titan has dunes. Reuters, USAT, ScienceNOW, NG

New species discovered in the Atlantic may be used as a benchmark for climate change damage. Reuters, BBC, CBC

Climate change on Jupiter? NYT, LAT, USAT

La Nina should not be a factor in upcoming hurricane season. Reuters

Terrorists have modified US video games to use as recruiting tools. Reuters

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